14/06/2021|Time: 13:00 - 14:00
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: weahsn.transformation@nhs.net
Event summary
Healthy teeth matter.
Building on the success of our webinars throughout 2020, this webinar will focus on oral health and how we can support people with a learning disability to have better teeth. This is important because having poor oral health can lead individuals to become quite unwell.
This webinar will include a presentation around oral health which will be followed by case studies from Annual Health Checks and professional interpretations.
The aim of this webinar is to provide an overview of oral health and hear from expert speakers and those with experience in this area. We will also be presenting some helpful tools and tips and will be giving you some resources to take away.
To find out more about the West of England Learning Disability Collaborative and view recordings of previous webinars, visit our website.
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This webinar is for anyone in the West of England region – from Cheltenham down to North Somerset, Bristol to Wiltshire, and anyone in between. Please feel free to share with local colleagues who may be interested.
We are working closely with our neighbouring AHSNs in the South West to ensure our offers cover the entire SW region. Colleagues in Somerset, Devon, Cornwall or the Isles of Scilly can contact patientsafety@swahsn.com and colleagues in Dorset, please contact patient.safety@wessexahsn.net.