Thursday 15 June 2023
12.00 - 1.30pm
Location: Online
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: christopher.learoyd@nhs.net
Event summary
Optimising Medicines is not without its challenges.
Do you sometimes find it hard to remove unrequired medicines previously prescribed?
Do you sometimes struggle to find the words to help manage patients expectations around optimising medicines?
Could you benefit from learning from others and hearing solutions used elsewhere to optimise medicines?
If you answered yes to any of the above, joining and participating in the West of England Polypharmacy Community of Practice will help improve patient safety, reduce avoidable harm and provide development and networking opportunities for everyone involved.
There will be quarterly events; providing a platform for members to hear from nationally and locally recognised expert guest speakers, meet other colleagues in the region; bring and share experience, ideas and project work. The events will be inclusive, interactive, engaging and provide benefit to all members, making use of a variety of tools to enhance the experience of the members of the community.
15th June 2023
The West of England Community of Practice
We are working as part of a national programme called ‘Polypharmacy: getting the balance right’. You can find out more about our local work in this area by visiting our website: Polypharmacy: getting the balance right – West of England Academic Health Science Network (weahsn.net)
Details of the National Polypharmacy programme can be found here Polypharmacy Programme: getting the balance right – AHSN Network
Got a question? If you have a question about this event 15th June 2023 contact us at: christopher.learoyd@nhs.net or louise.fortune1@nhs.net