Here’s our five-step guide to implementing Human Factors training within your own organisation.
1. Form your team
- Project action plan – a step by step checklist for implementing the project
Find time to meet
- Ensure senior management are supportive (template business case if case for support is needed).
- Make list of potential team members who have an interest or expertise in this area.
- Example email to project team.
- Example team meeting agenda.
Agree roles and responsibilities
- Arrange first meeting with all team members to explain the aims of the project and the approach. You could adapt this kick-off meeting presentation to help you.
- If your team are new to quality improvement, consider using the “Anyone for tennis?” session to introduce them to the basics of quality improvement.
- Agree project team terms of reference.
- Arrange ongoing meetings as required to maintain momentum (eg once a fortnight) and then around once every four to six weeks.
- Set up a shared file location so that all project members have access to relevant documents.
Ensuring patient and carer involvement
- People in Health West of England have produced resources and guides including public contributor role profiles, guidelines and forms.
- Business Innovation Factory narrative playbook on using stories to improve care.
- Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership have put together e-learning for QI for public contributors which may be helpful for new public contributors.
2. Agree your aim
Complete project charter
- Complete project charter (editable) and printable.
- Start communication and stakeholder engagement.
- Start risks and issues log. Review at each team meeting. An issue is something that is happening. A risk is something that might happen. Please use your own organisational risk management scoring for likelihood and impact of risks occurring. The status of a risk can be open (action required), accepted (all mitigation in place, no action required), closed (risk or issue has been closed). Templates for issues log and risk log.
- Start team action log and update at the end of each team meeting.
- Our guide to project management has useful tools in agreeing your actions and planning your project.
Consider target audience and complete training capacity plan
- Complete training capacity plan.
- Bring build buy map to identify your faculty of trainers. See also the Facilitator Handbook [link to sub-page] for a facilitator specification.
3. Agree your measures
How do we know that a change is an improvement?
- Start measurement plan. Identify any PDSA tests to be carried out in regards to measurement.
- Read our guides on understanding data and using measurement for improvement
- Handy A-Z of Measurement
- If you are using the safety climate questionnaire agree when you will complete initial survey, hold review meeting for outcome from survey and follow up.
How will we gather this data and what baseline data do we need?
- Monthly monitoring report.
- Data collection plan.
- How will you collect stories on impact from staff, patients and facilitators? Some ideas on gathering experience data and measuring patient experience.
- Ask 5 tally chart is a really useful tool for measuring impact.
- A guide to the visual display of data.
- Using SPC or run charts to show data.
Agree your communication plan for the project
- Communication plan template with more support for planning your communication is available in this Health Foundation toolkit.
4. Agree your actions
Carry out small-scale Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) tests of change
- Use a PDSA test log to track your tests.
- Discuss in the project team any key barriers and enablers and identify potential actions to test to overcome them using the Yorkshire and Humber AHSN Behaviour Change Toolkit. A summary of Behaviour Change Techniques is available for your reference.
Generating ideas for tests of change
- Sometimes it can be difficult to identify ideas for testing changes. There are many techniques to help you with this including root cause analysis, idea generation and the six thinking hats
- For analysing incidents and complaints you may find this model from Yorkshire and Humber Improvement Academy helpful to identify contributory factors; more information at
- Once you have your ideas use a prioritisation matrix to decide which to proceed with.
Hold training sessions
- See our Facilitator Handbook for support.
Test out supporting tools like posters, cards and stickers
- Actionable knowledge products distil and package knowledge into forms which can be easily implemented in day-to-day frontline practice. Look at some examples of SBAR supporting tools.
- You can download editable files to create your own cards and stickers (Microsoft Publisher and PowerPoint needed to edit).
- Other SBAR resources including prompt pads and e-learning are available from the NHS Institute.
Send an interim report after first 3 – 6 months to your senior management.
5. Evaluate and embed
- Review and share the learning from your PDSA cycles online in the Life forum or write a lessons learned log.
- If using safety climate questionnaire, carry out follow-up survey.
- Complete evaluation report and celebrate and communication your success ‑ example emails to your senior management team.
- For more support with evidence and evaluation check out these toolkits produced by the Avon Primary Care Research Collaborative in conjunction with the West of England AHSN. [add link to Jo’s toolkits once live].
- Write up your project as a case study.
Project trouble-shooting
- If you are having difficulty sustaining momentum this guide from NHS Scotland may help and they also have advice on reviving a stalled effort.
- The NHS Sustainability model is a way to plan to ensure your project continues to be sustainable after your implementation phase.