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“So… what do they do?” A view from a new starter

Emma Ryan, Marketing and Communications Officer, West of England AHSN

Emma Ryan started with the West of England AHSN Communications team in September, and wrote this blog a couple of weeks into her new role. In the Summer of COVID-19, I sat at home, 2 months into furlough with the likelihood of looming redundancies in the hospitality business I worked in and had grown to…

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Meet the innovator – Tommy Parker

In the first of our Meet the Innovator blog series, which spotlights the Founders and CEO’s making a difference to the lives of others, we meet Tommy Parker, CEO of KiActiv® – a clinically proven digital therapy designed to improve the self-management of long-term health conditions. Here he reflects how support from the West of…

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COVID-19: adaptability and rapid response

Alex Leach, Deputy Director of Innovation and Growth, West of England AHSN

In the fourth of our series looking at our learning from Covid-19, Alex Leach, Deputy Director of Innovation and Growth, reflects on the huge opportunities and risks that Covid has presented to innovators. I have always liked this quote from Charles Darwin, who famously wrote in the Origin of Species, published in 1859, “It is…

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COVID-19: collaboration is key

In the third of our series looking at our learning from COVID-19, Kay Haughton, Director of Transformation at West of England AHSN, explains how the AHSN used its existing expertise to help healthcare systems during the pandemic. As COVID-19 took hold, we became very aware in the West of England AHSN just how busy our…

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Kate talks about virtual learning

Reflections on hosting virtual interactive workshops

In this Q&A our West of England Academy Project Managers Kate Phillips and Vardeep Deogan share their reflections on the delivery of the Academy’s recent Quality Improvement (QI) Summer Series. They led 10 hours of online interactive workshops and delivery of QI theory by 12 different facilitators to around 60 delegates per session from across…

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Alessandra Glover Williams

Civility can save lives

Aless Glover Williams, Neonatal QI Fellow supporting the PERIPrem Project

Aless Glover Williams, Neonatal GRID Trainee ST7, St Michael’s Neonatal Unit and Neonatal QI Fellow supporting the PERIPrem Project on how knowing your team will help ensure Patient Safety. On World Patient Safety Day, especially as this year highlights ‘Health Worker Safety’, I’m reflecting on the importance of knowing and valuing the individual members of…

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