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The answers are out there

Natasha Swinscoe, Interim Managing Director, West of England AHSN

Natasha Swinscoe, Interim Managing Director, explores some of the issues raised by the recent Nuffield Trust  paper ‘Falling Short: why the NHS is still struggling to make the most of new innovations’. Many of the NHS staff I’ve worked with seem to be cut from the same piece of cloth. If you show them a…

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10 evidence-based ways the GP Clinical Evidence Fellows are making an impact

Ceilidh Jackson - Baker, Project Support Officer, West of England AHSN

Ceilidh Jackson – Baker, Project Support Officer with the commissioning evidence-informed care team celebrates the triumphs of our GP Clinical Evidence Fellows… In June 2017 I helped to organise an event to showcase the achievements of our GP Clinical Evidence Fellows. My team (commissioning evidence-informed care) support the ten Fellows to learn how to access…

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Evidence Live venue 2017

Evidence Live 2017 – the Glastonbury of evidence-based medicine

Sian Jones, Primary Care Programme Lead, West of England AHSN

Our Primary Care Programme Lead, Sian Jones shares her thoughts on this year’s Evidence Live… 20 June 2017 was one of the hottest evenings since the summer of 1976 to be heading to Oxford for the evidence nerd-fest that is Evidence Live. This two day international conference brings together the great and the good of…

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What’s your best-fit coaching style?

Kate Phillips, Quality Improvement Project Support Officer, West of England AHSN

Our quality improvement project support officer, Kate Phillips reflects on her learning from the West of England Academy Improvement Coach Programme… I recently took part in a great two-day improvement coaching event hosted by the West of England AHSN, funded by The Health Foundation. The event was attended by 26 of the West of England Qs,…

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How to achieve a successful working relationship with public contributors

Hildegard Dumper, Patient & Public Involvement Manager

As with any member of our team, public contributors need to be properly valued and respected for the role they play in shaping and delivering our work, and need to be effectively managed. Here Hildegard Dumper draws on her professional experience to share her tips on how to achieve a successful working relationship with public contributors.…

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Eight ways to use QI for patient-focused care

Anna Burhouse, Director of Quality, West of England AHSN

Our Director of Quality Anna Burhouse shares eight simple techniques for how to improve patient focused care in any organisation… I have been working with the University of Bath to design a free Future Learn course on Quality Improvement (QI) for healthcare professionals.  It has now run twice and goes live for a third time in…

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