Natasha Swinscoe, Chief Executive, West of England AHSN
In her latest blog, Natasha Swinscoe, Chief Executive of the West of England AHSN celebrates the ever-growing community of innovators and improvers across the region who shape and drive our work and have shared their stories in our new online impact review for 2021-22. Providing a simple ‘elevator pitch’ for our AHSN isn’t easy. Whenever…
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Katie Donovan Adekanmbi, Inclusion and Cohesion Specialist from BCohCo Ltd
In response to the growing commitment in the region to work together to address inequality and inequity within maternity and neonatal services the Regional Perinatal Equity Network was launched in July 2021 by the West of England and South West Academic Health Science Networks. In this blog, Katie Donovan Adekanmbi, Inclusion and Cohesion Specialist from…
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Robert Woolley was a founding board member of the West of England AHSN since our very earliest days when we were first licensed by NHS England back in 2013. With a distinguished career in the NHS spanning more than 30 years, he retired as Chief Executive of University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust…
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Faiza Abdul Aziz is an impact administrator and master’s student at the University of Bath, who recently attended our Lunch with Impact event for University of Bath researchers, hosted by our Industry and Innovation team. In this blog, Faiza shares her insights and learnings from the session, including how the AHSN can support academic researchers…
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Bea Chubb, Senior Project Manager and Midwife, West of England AHSN
Bea Chubb is a Midwife at Yeovil District Hospital and is currently on secondment to the West of England AHSN project managing local delivery of the Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme (known as MatNeoSIP). In this blog, Bea tells us what she’s learnt during her time at the AHSN and how valuable it is…
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Cathy Geary, Project Support Officer, West of England AHSN
In this blog by Project Support Officer, Cathy Geary, we hear about the public engagement work the West of England AHSN’s Innovation and Growth team has been doing to gather insight into bladder and bowel continence. The Voices for Change bladder and bowel continence project is part of the West of England AHSN’s Create Open…
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