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New adoption and spread guide launched

It is estimated that across the UK, a third of healthcare improvement projects never spread beyond their particular unit, a further third are embedded across their organisation but never spread further than that, and only the final third are spread across their own and other similar organisations. Through the West of England Academy supported by…

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Children in school

Virtual workshop on transforming ADHD diagnosis coming soon

Our virtual workshop on transforming ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) diagnosis in children and young people across the South of England will be held on 19 November.  The West of England AHSN, along with Kent Surrey Sussex, South West and Wessex AHSNs, are inviting colleagues working in ADHD diagnosis in children and young people across…

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Over 100 ‘HIPsters’ benefit from specialist support to develop health innovations

Since 2015, West of England AHSN has worked alongside SETsquared, to support over 100 innovators in the health and wellbeing sector. The Health Innovation Programme (HIP) – an intensive, fully-funded, four-day personal development course – helps delegates develop business propositions with real potential to transform healthcare and equip them with core skills in entrepreneurship to…

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West of England AHSN submits ideas to the Q Exchange!

Q members from the West of England AHSN have submitted a number of project ideas to the Health Foundation’s Q Exchange, giving them the chance to develop these with the help of other Q members and to submit bids for up to £30,000 of funding. We’ll find out in January 2021 if any of our…

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Safer care during COVID-19: national report

A rapid-learning report on the role of Patient Safety Collaboratives (PSCs) during the pandemic has been published by the AHSN Network. The report has been published as part of the NHS Reset campaign and gives examples of how PSCs, including the West of England PSC which is hosted by the West of England AHSN, refocused their…

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Business plan 2020-21: reset and recovery

The West of England AHSN 2020-21 business  plan sets out an ambitious programme for improvement and innovation, to deliver significant and lasting benefits to local people, our member organisations, and contribute to innovation in healthcare locally and nationally. Natasha Swinscoe, Chief Executive, West of England AHSN commented: “It has never been more important for the…

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