Ten companies have won shares of an £8.7 million investment to develop novel technologies aimed at future-proofing primary care and GP services. The winners were announced yesterday by SBRI Healthcare.
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NEWS2 or the updated National Early Warning Score was released by the Royal College of Physicians in December 2017. NEWS is used to improve the recognition of severity of illness in unwell patients and trigger escalation of care. NEWS has been shown to be good at identifying early when a patient’s health is worsening, and…
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The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) is an NHS England national initiative supported and delivered by all 15 AHSNs. It aims to accelerate uptake of high-impact innovations for patient, population and NHS staff benefit. It also provides real-time practical insights on spread to inform national strategy. The NIA supports exceptional individuals with a passion for learning and a…
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This January the King’s Fund published a report on adoption and spread of innovation in the NHS. The report, commissioned on behalf of the AHSN Network charts the journey of eight innovations from creation to widespread use.
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Colleagues from across the West of England and beyond gathered in Bristol last month for our annual conference, where we explored the progress we have made together over the last five years and looked ahead to the key themes for our new five year licence. It was an inspiring and thought-provoking day, focusing on what…
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As part of her presentation at this year’s annual conference, Managing Director Deborah Evans launched Take Five, a collection of five short films about five of our key projects from the last five years. The films offer a quick overview of what we’ve learned about transformation as a healthcare community here in the West of…
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