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Starting anticoagulation with Jack

Anticoagulants are designed to prevent or treat blood clots, but can increase the risk of bleeding. It is vital that both patients and carers receive advice and information about how these medicines work, and their potential side effects. Wessex AHSN, on behalf of the AHSN Network, has created a new video to meet this need…

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West of England patient safety initiatives shortlisted for prestigious national awards

We’re delighted to announce that a number of high profile programmes led by or involving members of the West of England Patient Safety Collaborative are in the running for the HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2017. The winners will be announced at the Patient Safety Congress on 4 July 2017 in Manchester. Emergency Department (ED) safety…

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Webinars on NHS England’s Innovation & Technology Tariff

At the start of November 2016, NHS England set out plans to fast-track the introduction of six new types of medical technology products and apps during 2017/18 through the Innovation and Technology Tariff (ITT). The ITT removes the need for multiple local price negotiations and guarantees automatic reimbursement. For five of the above NHS England…

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Reducing harm from falls

51 attendees from 25 organisations across the West of England gathered on Monday 13 March to hear expert speakers update on the current state of the evidence for falls safety work. Attendees shared local policies and procedures working in different settings and came up with solutions to common issues in interactive group sessions. All the presentations from…

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Watch our film to see NEWS in practice

Our new film tells the story of Paul from North Somerset, who made a quick and full recovery from sepsis as a result of NEWS (the National Early Warning Score) being communicated at every handover of care. We are working with all members of the West of England Patient Safety Collaborative to encourage the use of a single…

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NICE launch draft sepsis quality standards

NICE launched their draft sepsis quality standard on 10 March 2017. The West of England AHSN is pleased to note that a number of the quality statements included in these draft standards are already being addressed through regional initiatives as part of our Deteriorating Patient programme. Quality statements 1. People with suspected sepsis are assessed to stratify…

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