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Interested in how genomic medicine can be mainstreamed?

The West of England Genomic Medicine Centre (GMC) needs your feedback to ensure that the most effective resources to support the learning needs and styles of the genomic medicine workforce are developed. Please take a few minutes to complete a short online questionnaire on the training requirements needed to support the mainstreaming of genomic medicine…

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Looking ahead to 2017

We asked our teams here at the West of England AHSN what they are looking forward to in 2017 and this is what they told us… Deborah Evans, our Managing Director, says she’s looking forward to more partnership working with Health Education England and primary care through the Community Education Provider Networks. Deborah is also looking…

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How to avoid A&E this Christmas…

Christmas and New Year are the busiest time of the year for emergency departments across the country. Did you know around 350 people each year injure themselves putting up Christmas lights? And there are many other hazards around. There’s lots of advice on the NHS England website on how you and your family can stay safe this Christmas…

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Protecting patients from harm

The National Reporting and Learning System helps protect patients from harm. This video shows the process of developing a Patient Safety Alert and the importance of reporting patient safety incidents to the NHS’s National Reporting and Learning System. Patient Safety Alerts are issued by NHS Improvement to provide advice and information to providers of NHS-funded…

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Say It! app wins top new technology award

Congratulations to Jenny Dance and the Phona team whose Say It! app won the President’s Award for New Technology in ELT’ at the English Speaking Union’s 2016 awards ceremony. Jenny is a graduate of our Healthcare Innovation Programme and has received support from our enterprise team on developing the app, originally designed for foreign language students, into a…

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Free six-week online course: Quality Improvement in Healthcare

In response to popular demand the free online course on Quality Improvement in Healthcare – the Case for Change is being re-run on FutureLearn starting on 16 January 2017. Our Improvement Director, Anna Burhouse, along with Christos Vasilakis (Director of the Centre for Healthcare Improvement and Innovation at the University of Bath) and Tricia Woodhead (Associate…

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