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Resources to support safer care of the deteriorating patient

Our NEWS (National Early Warning Score) implementation toolkit is featured in NHS Improvement’s latest patient safety resource alert, which brings together a range of resources to help NHS organisations reduce the harm caused by a failure to recognise and respond to patients of all ages at risk of deterioration. Patients of all ages are known to suffer harm if deterioration…

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Patient Safety Collaboratives: making care safer for all

The AHSN Network’s first Patient Safety Collaboratives’ report was launched at Patient Safety Congress last week. The brochure, ‘Making care safer for all’ provides four full case studies; descriptions of our cluster work; our leadership role; and our shared priorities for the coming year. In his foreword to the report, Dr Mike Durkin, NHS National Director of Patient…

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Free online course empowers individuals to improve NHS care

A new free online course is aiming to give people working in health and social care organisations the skills and confidence to improve the quality of healthcare provision. The six-week course is designed for anyone working in a health or social care setting, from clinicians and administrators to hospitality and housekeeping staff, to enable them…

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The big vision for Diabetes Digital Coach

At the end of June directors from our partner health service organisations, diabetes specialists, public contributors and members of our Test Bed consortium came together at HP Labs Bristol to explore the big vision as well as the ‘who, what, where, why and when?’ of our ambitious Diabetes Digital Coach programme. Over the next two years, Diabetes…

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One year on – why are patients still having unnecessary AF-related strokes?

A new report called One year on – why are patients still having unnecessary AF-related strokes? was recently published by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry’s (ABPI) Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation Initiative (SAFI), and launched at a special event at the House of Commons. Stephen Ray, Quality Improvement Programme Manager attended the event to represent our Don’t…

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Evaluation of the GP Clinical Evidence Fellowship programme

Now in its second year, the GP Clinical Evidence Fellowship programme, a collaboration between the West of England AHSN and Health Education England (HEE), represents an ambitious and innovative attempt to highlight the importance of evidence and evaluation in clinical commissioning and support its integration into routine activity. Over the last two years, 14 highly motivated GPs have been recruited to work in…

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