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Saving lives and helping to create sustainable health and care: AHSNs demonstrate collective impact

In its 2016 Impact Report published this week, The AHSN Network demonstrates the impact that AHSNs have made collectively to address gaps in health and wellbeing; care and quality; and finance and efficiency as outlined in the Five Year Forward View. The 15 AHSNs in England have a clear remit to connect NHS and academic…

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PPI in practice

Hosted by the West of England AHSN as part of our innovation for quality improvement work, the second PPI (public and patient involvement) in Practice event took place last month. Drawing on the expertise of People in Health West of England, the network aims to strengthen and build good practice in PPI throughout the region. It…

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Self care and shared care through digital health solutions

Members of our Diabetes Digital Coach team were invited to talk at the Digital Catapult’s Digital Health Festival last week in London about the opportunities for self-management being explored by our new NHS IoT (internet of things) test bed project. Tommy Parker from KI Performance and Tom Dawson from Rescon Technologies took part in a panel discussion at the…

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Stakeholder survey: you said, we did…

Last year we received an excellent response to our stakeholder survey, both in terms of the number of respondents and the feedback provided. More than 120 people took the time to share their feedback about the work of the West of England AHSN.  Of these respondents: 91% recommended working with us 82% said we offer…

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Working together to improve babies’ lives

This week (6-10 June 2016) is the UK’s inaugural Infant Mental Health awareness week: #IMHAW16. Did you know that babies’ brains develop rapidly after they are born? In the first critical 1,001 days of life, the environment and the caring relationships surrounding the baby help to build the brain, by creating new neural pathways. A…

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Collaborating for a safety culture in primary care

At the end of May, colleagues from 13 primary care practices from across the West of England, including GPs, practice managers, practice nurses and quality and safety leads, came together for the first meeting of our new Primary Care Collaborative. The event was opened by our  Patient Safety Programme Director Ann Remmers who spoke about the context for…

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