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Be sepsis savvy

Every year in the UK there are 150,000 cases of sepsis, resulting in a staggering 44,000 deaths – more than bowel, breast and colon cancer combined. Sepsis is the biggest direct cause of death in UK pregnancies and affects about 10,000 children every year in the UK. A recent report by the National Confidential Enquiry…

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Patient voice at the heart of new Genomic Medicine Centre

In January members of the public joined clinicians and other healthcare professionals to find out more about the new West of England Genomic Medicine Centre, which was announced in December. The centre forms  part of the three-year national 100,000 Genomes programme to transform diagnosis and treatment for patients with cancer and rare diseases. The event started with an…

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New Test Bed trial of self-management digital technology set to improve patient care in the West

Patients in the West of England will be among the first to benefit from a major new drive to modernise how the NHS delivers care, as announced today (Friday 22 January) by NHS Chief Executive Simon Stevens at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The West of England AHSN will be leading the way in…

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NHS Transformathon: Bringing the world together to help improve the NHS

The NHS Transformathon is a free, 24-hour, online event bringing together health and care staff and service users to connect, share and learn from each other. It starts at 4pm on Wednesday 27 January and runs until 4pm on Thursday 28 January. NHS Transformathon will showcase the latest innovations, practices and methodologies to inspire you with ways to…

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West of England tops the charts for Join Dementia Research registrations

A tour bus promoting a service that helps people to take part in dementia research studies proved such a hit with shoppers in the West of England before Christmas that the region has now taken the number one slot for the highest number of local registrations to the service in the country. ‘Join Dementia Research’…

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Measuring demand in general practice – new report published

A new study has been published exploring how demand is measured and managed by GP practices in the West of England. The West of England AHSN commissioned the study, in partnership with NIHR CLAHRC West, as part of its Commissioning Evidence Informed Care programme, which is led by Dr Peter Brindle. Demand for Primary Care services exceeds capacity available. With…

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