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Mayden launches academy in Bath to address growing demand for developers

The Mayden Academy, an employer-led intensive training opportunity for entry level software engineers, has been launched in central Bath. Bath and Bristol have been recognised as the biggest tech cluster outside of London and the continued success of the region depends on the retention and growth of developer talent. It will be run by Mayden,…

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Innovation programme provides boost for healthcare

As the mhealth market continues to grow, a new training programme is helping small business compete with the big names in the generation and adoption of innovations that will improve patient experience and the care they receive. According to a recent Deloitte report, the number of health apps on IoS and Android has more than…

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Positive feedback from second sepsis management masterclass

The South and West Regional Sepsis working group held a second Quality Improvement Masterclass on Sepsis Management on Wednesday 10 June. 48 people attended the event and 83 people from 25 organisations are now signed up to the sepsis mailing list for future events. 94 per cent of attendees gave the event an overall rating of ‘Good’ or…

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A West of England approach to demand and capacity management

The West of England Academic Health Science Network has launched a new study to explore patient flow in primary care. Demand for primary care services currently exceeds the capacity available with significant repercussions for patients and the healthcare system. To meet the level of transformation set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View an…

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Delegates explore innovation at self care event

The West of England AHSN brought together over 100 delegates from healthcare providers, commissioners, industry, academia and public contributors for a one day event in June titled ‘Supporting self-management and self-care’. The event provided the opportunity to learn how people living with long-term healthcare conditions can support their own care and a chance to share…

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Group of people

Accelerated Access Review seeks input from patients and groups

The Accelerated Access Review is asking for input from patients and groups. The review is led by an independent chair, Sir Hugh Taylor, Chairman of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and aims to speed up access to innovative drugs, devices and diagnostics for NHS patients. The review is supported by Expert Advisory Group,…

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