The concept of the Leadership Series is to bring specific senior commissioners together from across the seven CCGs to focus on areas of common challenge, facilitate learning, spread knowledge across the patch and identify further areas to explore collaboratively.
Five Leadership Series meetings have been scheduled to date: three in 2016, covering the topics of ‘Primary Care Demand and Flow’, ‘Commissioning Musculo-skeletal care’ and ‘Commissioning Diabetes Care’, and two of which were held in 2015 on ‘Using Evidence & Evaluation in Commissioning’ (February 2015) and ‘Exploring different approaches to CCG prioritising and de-prioritising strategic initiatives’ (May 2015).
The Musculo Skeletal Care event was held on 19 April with 17 attendees from all seven WEAHSN member CCGs and two UWE researchers. Feedback from the meeting from delegates was very positive, with a request to meet again in early September, in advance of the CCG business planning timetable.
Feedback after the event included:
“An excellent opportunity to share work in a supportive environment. I have a far better understanding of what is happening locally and who is involved.” GP Clinical Lead
“Between us we can transform MSK; we need to coordinate much better.” Elective Care Lead
“Very helpful to see what is happening on the patch. Good to combine clinical perspective with management transformation.” GP & Clinical lead for Planned Care
“We are all grappling with similar issues and it feels a less lonely place now! There is a collective motivation to embed transformation.” Service Improvement & Development Manager.
“Useful to collaborate. We are all trying to do similar things.” GP Clinical Evidence Fellow
There was also agreement that a musculo-skeletal ‘community of practice’ would be helpful to electronically enable attendees to stay in touch.
Posted on May 9, 2016