The West of England AHSN has been shortlisted in the Patient Safety Category for the 2018 British Medical Journal (BMJ) Awards for the project ‘Safety, Sepsis and the System’.
The aim of this project was to implement NEWS across the healthcare system from the community into acute care for acutely unwell patients to standardise communication and improve recognition and response to the deteriorating patient. The West of England AHSN was the first area to adopt a regional approach to the standardisation of acute illness severity. Since then NEWS has been recommended by NICE and NCEPOD to aid early identification of sepsis
The West of England AHSN will now be required to present to a panel comprising a BMJ champion and three expert judges, one of whom is a patient representative. For the first time the judging will take place in front of a live audience comprising of other shortlisted teams.
Huge congratulations to everyone who has been involved in this project and has contributed to the systematic improvement of patient safety.
What are the BMJ awards?
The BMJ Awards are the UK’s leading medical awards. Now celebrating 10 years of recognising the work that healthcare teams across the country do every day, they aim to promote excellence in healthcare and showcase knowledge and experience that will inspire others.
Every year, more than 350 teams enter The BMJ Awards and compete to get their work recognised in front of their peers, their organisation and the wider healthcare community.
The BMJ Awards are a fantastic opportunity to gain recognition for the professionalism, commitment, creativity, and hard work of healthcare teams across the UK. Find out more here.
Find out more about the Deteriorating Patient Workstream here. See the whole shortlist here.
Posted on March 7, 2018