The Health Tech: Bristol Makes It event – currently scheduled for 14 and 15 of October has been postponed and will be rescheduled for early 2017. Specific dates will be confirmed in due course.
By postponing we will be better able to align the event with the recently emergent national digital initiative timeframes. Additionally we can use our resources to better effect by hosting a public technology and innovation engagement event at a time when the health and care community’s Local Digital Roadmaps (LDRs) and Sustainable Transformation Partnerships (STPs) are in the public domain. We are keen to ensure innovation initiatives optimally support regional system priorities and work streams.
Please do get in contact if you would like to be involved as a speaker or collaborator in future health and care tech innovation events. Email John Kellas at john@thisequals.net.
*** Original article ***
As part of Bristol’s Healthy City Week (15–22 October 2016), we are working with Bristol Health Partners and HBB (High Tech Bristol and Bath CIC) to run a special two-day event bringing together the city’s software developers and healthcare practitioners to develop innovative solutions to today’s health challenges.
Bristol City Hall on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 October.
Day 1: Discussion day – series of themed seminars and knowledge sharing workshops to highlight current challenges facing the health and care system and the emerging technologies that could represent solutions; “World Cafe” style conversations to collaboratively explore potential solutions.
Day 2: Hackathon day – developing novel solutions to key challenges through various practical and technological means, and presenting the final results to attendees.
- Person-centred technologies to support self-care, including personalised health records and citizen digital health
- Mobile apps, connectivity, and cloud solutions to support the delivery of care
- Population health analytics (big data) and real time decision support
- Citizen co-created innovation and community engagement
- Social / green prescribing for health
- Mobile devices and the Internet of things (IoT) in health and social care
Discussions on Day 1 will hopefully bring to light additional ideas that attendees will take forward into the Hackathon.
For more information visit the HBB website.
Posted on September 6, 2016