The West of England AHSN continues to be recognised for successfully bringing together healthcare, industry and academic partners across the region – but what are we are actually achieving together? Here are a few highlights from the last quarter, October to December 2015…
Patient safety
- 10,000 people have benefitted from the emergency department safety checklist so far this last year, which has been piloted by University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust. We are now supporting four other EDs to implement the checklist: Weston Area Health NHS Trust, North Bristol NHS Trust, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
- The two Bristol Trusts have successfully converted from the Bristol Early Warning Score to the National Early Warning Score (NEWS).
- A great example of collaborative working: 80 delegates from across the South of England attended our Mental Health Collaborative learning event in December.
- The Emergency Laparotomy Collaborative is live including all six acute trusts. This work will benefit 1,000 patients a year in the West of England.
- To date, 435 staff from community organisations have already received Human Factors training. We are now providing funding to Bath & North East Somerset CCG, Bristol Community Health, Gloucestershire Care Services and North Somerset Community Partnership to enable a further 2,500 staff in community settings to receive training.
- Connecting Care has been used to review patient records on 110,000 occasions. Gloucestershire CCG has a final business case which will deliver interoperability in 2016/17. Wiltshire and BaNES are enhancing local systems to connect data for patient benefit across care settings.
- Patients in the West of England are set to benefit from a new NHS Genomic Medicine Centre based in Bristol, which gained approval in December.
Quality improvement
- 80 GP practices in Gloucestershire are working with us on our Atrial Fibrillation programme. The first 11 practices found 533 high risk patients who may need clinical review.
- We have trained 46 GPs, 15 nurse practitioners and health care assistants, and 12 pharmacists as part of Don’t Wait to Anticoagulate, with a further pharmacist training session planned.
- The OpenPrescribing platform been used on 25,000 occasions, with 94,000 page views, and shares on Twitter have reached a potential audience of 46 million people. The concept has now spread to Wales and Scotland.
Join Dementia Research
- At Christmas the West of England had achieved number one slot for the highest number of local registrations to the Join Dementia Research service in the country.
Diabetes Digital Coach
- The Diabetes Digital Coach programme, developed by a consortium led by the West of England AHSN, has been selected as an ‘internet of things’ Test Bed to help people with diabetes in the region self-manage their condition.
Supporting innovation
- We have supported Folium Optics who have been awarded £1 million funding from SBRI Healthcare competition to further developed their ‘smart tag’ which reminds people to take their medication.
Everything we do and achieve is in collaboration with an extensive range of individuals and organisations across the West of England and beyond. Thank you to all our members, partners, public contributors and staff!
Posted on February 25, 2016