The West of England AHSN is conducting a survey amongst health and social care professionals to identify the skills and expertise in our region around Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. And we’re keen to hear from you.
This will help us to better share learning and expertise, and tailor our approach so it meets the healthcare community’s ongoing needs to deliver long-term, sustainable improvements in patient care.
We’re developing our work alongside ‘Q’, an initiative led by the Health Foundation, supported and co-funded by NHS England, and designed to connect people skilled in improvement across the UK.
If you are interested, experienced or trained in Safety or Quality Improvement work, then we would like to invite you to complete this short survey, which should take between five and ten minutes to complete.
This survey is being managed by the West of England AHSN in partnership with The Health Foundation.
For further information, contact:
Kevin Hunter, Patient Safety Programme Manager
0117 900 2413
Posted on December 7, 2015