The West of England AHSN is awarding £65,000 in funding to four community organisations to support the roll-out of Human Factors training for support staff.
Communication and team working are recognised to have significant impact on the quality of safe services for patients. Following the Cavendish Review, the Care Certificate specified standards for support workers (Bands 1 – 4) working in all NHS and social care settings.
Although an appreciation of the principles of Human Factors has been implemented in acute care services in recent years, it has been found that training packages and resources are less applicable to the community health and social care context.
Health Education South West has therefore funded the West of England AHSN to develop an intervention using the SBAR tool (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) to support Human Factors training in patient safety focussing on support works in community settings.
The curriculum for this training was developed by Sirona Care & Health and North Bristol NHS Trust. It is based on how teams communicate and uses communication tools such as SBAR to develop a baseline awareness, which is built upon and embedded during the training using different scenarios. These scenarios were co-designed by the programme lead and service user representative to reflect realistic scenarios that staff might encounter.
To date, 435 staff from community organisations have already received Human Factors training. The West of England AHSN is now providing £65,000 funding to Bath & North East Somerset CCG, Bristol Community Health, Gloucestershire Care Services and North Somerset Community Partnership, which will enable a further 2,500 staff in community settings to receive training.
Train the Trainer
In conjunction with North Bristol NHS Trust and Sirona Care & Health, we are also training up to 45 facilitators across the region in order to create a faculty with specialist knowledge and experience in Human Factors training for community services.
Organisations that have been successful in their bid for West of England AHSN support are invited to book training dates for facilitators to build the faculty in their organisation skilled in delivering Human Factors training. In order to book you will need a code for access. If you have not received your code, please email nathalie.delaney@weahsn.net.
For more information about the Human Factors programme, which is one of our Patient Safety Collaborative’s priority areas, contact Nathalie Delaney at nathalie.delaney@weahsn.net.
Posted on January 13, 2016