Join Dr Rebecca Winterborn on 11 June as she shares her experiences of leading teams through change and the skills, tools and theories that she uses in her role as a Consultant Vascular Surgeon and one of our Clinical Leads.
Delegates will be guided through structured activities to explore the value of authentic leadership and psychological safety. They will be introduced to theoretical models and tools such as writing a vision statement to improve confidence with leading a team through a change programme.
Find out more about Skills to Lead Change and book here.
What will I gain from attending this event?
Participants will;
- Understand how to engage with and motivate people to bring about change
- Understand the value of authenticity in leadership
- Improve confidence to lead your team through a change programme
Attendees can be in any role within their organisation, for example from clinical, administration or facilities but will be new, experienced or aspiring leaders.
Our academy works hard to welcome attendees from a broad range of backgrounds creating a safe and open environment for learning and sharing ideas.
Find out more about Skills to Lead Change and book here.
The West of England Academy offers a wide range of free resources to healthcare professionals and innovators across the region. To find out more, visit our Academy pages or email academy@weahsn.net.
Posted on April 30, 2021