We asked our teams here at the West of England AHSN what they are looking forward to in 2017 and this is what they told us…
Deborah Evans, our Managing Director, says she’s looking forward to more partnership working with Health Education England and primary care through the Community Education Provider Networks. Deborah is also looking forward to more West of England wide quality improvement and patient safety programmes.
Anna Burhouse, Director of Quality is looking forward to getting her teeth into our new programme of work to support an integrated project bringing together evidence, innovation and pathway redesign to support an STP priority. So definitely watch this space for news on that one!
Enterprise Director, Lars Sundstrom found it difficult to select just one thing as there is so much going on in his area right now, with lots more to come out of the Accelerated Access Review. But one thing’s for sure – the launch of the new Diabetes Digital Coach self-management platform next year is going to be big news.
And last but not least, Kevin Hunter, Patient Safety Programme Manager is looking forward to being able to measure the impact of the great work that members across our region are having as part of the various Patient Safety Collaborative projects.
How about you? What are you looking forward to in 2017? Let us know by using #weahsn2017 on Twitter.
For inspiration, why not check out our events page for upcoming events in 2017 to put in your new diary now, and to stay updated on all our news and happenings sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Twitter @weahsn.
Posted on December 14, 2016