The West of England AHSN launched a local Medicines Optimisation Collaborative as part of the Patient Safety Collaborative programme on 4 November 2015.
The event was attended by 54 people from our member organisations across the region. Feedback on the day was very positive with 100% of attendees rating the event as either excellent or good.
Attendees got to watch the new video from the Health Foundation called Pills and found this a powerful example of service improvement in medicines safety:
Attendees also had the opportunity to take part in a QI taster session as part of the West of England Academy. Find out more about the Academy’s work here.
The next steps are for member organisations to commit to testing and measuring specific change packages in the two priority areas of insulin safety and transfers of care. Feedback from collaborative members on how these tests of change are going will be fed back at the next event in late spring 2016.
If you would like to sign up for more information and to take part in future events in the medicines collaborative, please register here.
Posted on November 19, 2015