Congratulations to everyone involved in our PReCePT programme who made it to the finals of the prestigious HSJ Awards last night (17 March 2021).
Being shortlisted for the award from over 1,000 entries is testament to the collaborative achievement of the entire perinatal community with all maternity trusts in the country involved in delivering PReCePT, helping reduce incidence of cerebral palsy in very premature babies.
Premature birth is the main cause of brain injury and cerebral palsy in babies. Evidence shows that babies can be protected from brain injury by giving magnesium sulphate to women who are at risk of having a premature delivery. This reduces the risk of cerebral palsy in a third of cases.
The PReCePT programme has rolled out this low cost intervention in maternity units across England.
Watch this short film featuring #PReCePTPeople from across England to find out why we think PReCePT is a winner.
Read the full list of winners and finalists here.
Born in the West
PReCePT stands for the Prevention of Cerebral Palsy in PreTerm Labour. The project was originally developed by the West of England AHSN in collaboration with University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, and involved both patients and staff.
In 2016, PReCePT was successfully rolled out to all five acute trusts in the West, using a Quality Improvement (QI) approach to support uptake.
Delivered across England
PReCePT was then selected as one of the seven programmes to be adopted and spread across the country by all 15 AHSNs during 2018-2020, funded by NHS England. The West of England AHSN led on this programme.
The PReCePT Study
PReCePT was also selected as one of seven UK projects to receive £0.5 million through the Health Foundation’s Scaling Up Improvement programme. This programme supports teams to take successful healthcare interventions or approaches and deliver them at scale, to improve health care in the UK.
The PReCePT Study is a randomised controlled trial, nested within the wider national programme, which aimed to find the best way to scale up the uptake of magnesium sulphate by comparing the effectiveness of two different QI approaches across a subset of maternity units. Findings from the PReCePT Study will provide evidence to inform best practice for future perinatal QI scaling up initiatives.
The trial is led by University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, in partnership with the National Institute for Health Applied Research Collaboration West (NIHR ARC West) and the West of England AHSN.
Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme
Led by Led by NHS England and Improvement, our Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme mission is to create and embed the conditions for all staff to improve the safety and outcomes of maternal and neonatal care by reducing unwarranted variation and provide a high quality healthcare experience for all women, babies and families across England.
Find out more about our maternity and neonatal work here.
Posted on March 18, 2021