The West of England Academy are hosting a new series of five free-to-attend interactive online workshops each Friday from 16 April.
Attendees will gain a basic understanding and practical knowledge of applying Quality Improvement (QI) techniques to real-world challenges in primary care.
Modelled on our hugely successful QI Summer and Winter Series, this five-week course, held over 90-minutes each Friday from 12noon can be joined as single sessions or a series.
The workshops have been developed, and will be delivered by, the West of England Academy team alongside guest speakers. Topics include stakeholder mapping, process mapping, data management and the basics for change management.
Attendees can be in any role and/or grade within their organisation, for example from clinical, administration or facilities.
Our academy works hard to welcome attendees from a broad range of backgrounds creating a safe and open environment for learning and sharing ideas.
Find out more about QI for primary care and book here.
The West of England Academy offers a wide range of free resources to healthcare professionals and innovators across the region. To find out more, visit our Academy pages or email weahsn.academy@nhs.net.
Posted on February 24, 2021