51 attendees from 25 organisations across the West of England gathered on Monday 13 March to hear expert speakers update on the current state of the evidence for falls safety work. Attendees shared local policies and procedures working in different settings and came up with solutions to common issues in interactive group sessions.
All the presentations from our speakers are available online and the output report is available to download here.
Resources shared include:
- NHS Improvement Patient Falls Improvement Collaborative
- Patient information:
Royal College of Physicians – Falls Prevention in Hospital a Guide for Patients and their Carers
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents video and Facing Up to Falls video
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust Top Tips to Stop Falling
Bradford-on-Avon Leg Club and Get Up and Go, a guide to staying steady
- Prevention:
Devon County Council Falls prevention resource pack and videos
Manchester Fire Service Safe and Well visits
Emergency Care Intensive Support Team’s #endPJparalysis
- Assessment tools
Lying and Standing BP timeline, procedure and lanyard cards
Bedside Vision Check
- Training:
Freda’s Fall – e-learning (2.5 hours), modular training: CareFall for nursing staff, and doctors
FallSafe resources
#EM3 Falls, Fracture and Trauma training
- Care homes:
Living well through activity in care home toolkit
South West Ambulance Service and North West Ambulance Service care homes videos and tools
NHS Scotland managing falls in care homes
- Investigation:
Yorkshire AHSN falls huddles
National Patient Safety Alerting System video and Safety Alert re: falls from hoists
Safety huddles are being implemented by the Yorkshire and Humber AHSN Improvement Academy. They are aimed at supporting teams to reduce harm. The huddle is clinically led and locally owned. The team will need to test and adapt to fit them.
The key to the huddles are;
- Non-judgemental environment
- All staff included and empowered to speak
- Happens at the same time/place
- Always brief (5-15mins)
- Collection of data and celebration of success
Teams can focus on patients at risk from falls or pressure ulcers.
Photo credit: Su Nanayakkara
Posted on March 16, 2017