SBRI Healthcare is launching its 2016 annual report this week at NHS Expo.
The report sets out the impact of the programme over the year, as well as a summary of the outcomes achieved in the period of the AHSN leadership. Download the annual report here.
In this time the programme has been able to evidence a pipeline of over 100 co-developed products that matched NHS needs with over 20 being adopted and used in the NHS. These products are starting to impact patient care and the potential value to the NHS was independently evaluated by the Office of Health Economics with a value to the NHS of £1.5 billion.
The economic impact of these investments are also showing potential with over 420 jobs created or safeguarded delivering an economic impact of over £33m for the UK economy. When added to the private sector investment of £45 million, this shows the NHS funding has had real economic impact even at this early stage in the process.
The West of England AHSN has been involved in a number of successful SBRI bids. Through SBRI-led challenges we have helped facilitate £6.5 million of funding for projects focused on patient safety, medicines adherence and child and adolescent mental health. Read more here.
Next competition: GP of the future
The next SBRI competitions is being led by West of England and Eastern AHSNs and will focus on ‘GP of the future’. This competition will have sub themes focused on demand management; self-care and diagnostics; and earlier triage in primary care.
The competition will be open to applications from 26 September to 24 November. Application forms and briefing materials will be available at www.sbrihealthcare.co.uk and briefing events will be held in Cambridge and Bristol – watch this space for details.
Posted on September 6, 2016