On 27 September 2017, the West of England AHSN and NIHR CLAHRC West ran a ‘Train the Trainer’ day to share resources and experience of running the workshops – ‘Finding the Evidence’ and ‘Getting Started with Service Evaluation’.
142 NHS commissioning staff across the West of England have attended these workshops since March 2016, reporting changes in evidence use and evaluation activity as a direct result.
Interest and demand from outside the West of England led to the development of this ‘Train the Trainer’ day, where 12 places were offered nationally via the CLAHRC and AHSN networks. The day was attended by staff from two CLAHRCs, four AHSNs and one Clinical Commissioning Group, all of whom are considering creating their own evidence and evaluation training programme.
The training team shared a host of prototype resources which consisted of a slide deck for each of the workshops, as well as instructive tutorial videos to be used as part of a face-to-face workshop, as preparatory material, or as stand-alone learning aids. The videos included:
- Show me the evidence: the why and how of finding and using evidence
- An online tour of the Evidence and Evaluation Toolkits
- How do I get started with searching for evidence?
- What is evaluation and why is it important?
- How to plan my evaluation using the 5-step evaluation cycle
- Different approaches to collecting data in an evaluation
Feedback was very positive, with delegates commenting that the online resources were “informative, creative and engaging…I will definitely use in delivering training myself” and that the day itself was “completely relevant and very useful”.
As a result of this successful event, the training team will complete the suite of on-line ‘Train the Trainer’ resources for national launch in January 2017 to strengthen the culture for evidence-informed practice across the health community.
For further information, contact Jo Bangoura j.bangoura@nhs.net
Posted on October 6, 2017