Last year we received an excellent response to our stakeholder survey, both in terms of the number of respondents and the feedback provided.
More than 120 people took the time to share their feedback about the work of the West of England AHSN. Of these respondents:
- 91% recommended working with us
- 82% said we offer high quality support
- 69% said we have helped them towards achieving their objectives.
Respondents were able to tell us what they wanted us to continue or do more of. Replies included:
“Continue playing a leadership role in bringing together the health communities.”
“Become more hardwired into local innovation implementation.”
“Keep us all on track with patient safety, and continue to drive standards.”
“Carry on creating the environment for collaborative learning and working.”
We specifically asked what the West of England AHSN could do to help build capacity and capability for improvement, innovation and support collaborative working.
“Develop patient /public leadership.”
- We created a cadre of 16 public contributors across our programmes and we are leading on PPI (patient and public involvement) for the West of England Genomic Medicine Centre.
- We crowd-sourced and prototyped innovations developed from the ideas of 100 members of the public from across the West of England.
“Have an industry reference group or equivalent.”
- We set up an industry advisory group, which has met three times and is shaping our enterprise work.
“Be closer to CCGs. Run more workshops on current commissioning issues.”
- We created the “Leadership Series” bringing together CCG leaders to collaborate on hot commissioning topics such as diabetes and musculo skeletal services.
- We created the Evidence Works and Evaluation Works online toolkits and we are supporting 11 GP Clinical Evidence Fellows.
“Support improvement practitioners. Create toolkits for training and frontline services improvement.”
- Trained more than a thousand staff in quality improvement and created a programme for 51 Improvement Coaches. We launched our online Improvement Journey, providing support on all aspects of quality improvement.
- We created toolkits for ‘Don’t Wait to Anti coagulate, the Emergency Department safety checklist, and Human Factors training for community staff.
“Work with the business incubation centres.”
- We partnered with SETsquared, the university business incubator and put 38 people through two Healthcare Innovation Programmes to develop their entrepreneurial skills.
Continue to let us know how we’re doing in our next stakeholder survey
This year’s stakeholder survey opens at the end of June 2016. As before it will take the form of an online survey, so keep an eye on your in-box for the link coming through.
It’s really important that the people working in all of our member organisations share their opinions on how we are performing as an Academic Health Science Network, as our number one objective is to support you in the work you are doing and to help you achieve the goals of your own organisation. So thank you in advance for taking the time to let us know what you think and how we might do more together.
Read last year’s survey results here.
Posted on June 10, 2016