At the end of June directors from our partner health service organisations, diabetes specialists, public contributors and members of our Test Bed consortium came together at HP Labs Bristol to explore the big vision as well as the ‘who, what, where, why and when?’ of our ambitious Diabetes Digital Coach programme.
Over the next two years, Diabetes Digital Coach aims to equip 12,000 people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the West of England with a range of remote monitoring and coaching technology to allow them to better self-manage their condition.
As well as providing an opportunity to hear an overview of the project’s plans and test out the various digital tools and platforms, a key part of the day was to plan how we will work together to best take advantage of this exciting opportunity to use IoT (Internet of Things) technology to put people with diabetes here in the West of England squarely in the driving seat when it comes to self-management.
Colleagues from NHS England, Innovate UK and IoTUK also joining the session, including Beverley Bryant, Director of Digital Technology at NHS England and our national Test Bed Sponsor.
The programme for the day featured:
- Welcome: Anjanish Shekhar, Hewlet Packard Enterprise (HPE), and Mary Hutton, Gloucestershire CCG
- The big vision: Elizabeth Dymond, West of England AHSN
- A citizen’s view: Sandra Tweddell, Public Contributor & Coordinator of Bristol Diabetes Support
- User acceptance of Diabetes Digital Coach tools: Elizabeth Dymond, West of England AHSN
- Internet of Things (IoT) platform and analytics: Anthony Winterlich, HPE, and Tom Dawson, Rescon Technologies
- Evaluation: Tim Benson, R-Outcomes
- Communication: Vanesther Rees, West of England AHSN
- Commercialisation: Lars Sundstrom, West of England AHSN
- Show and tell – a chance to try the five Diabetes Digital Coach tools: Mapmydiabetes, Lincus, Oviva, SocialDiabetes and KiActiv.
If you have diabetes and live in the West of England and are interested in signing up for Diabetes Digital Coach, drop us a line at enterprise@weahsn.net. You can also keep up-to-date with latest news by following us on Twitter at @diabetesDC.
Posted on July 11, 2016