Today on World Mental Health Day (10 October) the launch of the brand-new name and visual identity for The Collaborative has taken place. The Collaborative (formerly known as the South of England Mental Health Collaborative – MHC) aims to improve the quality and safety of services for people with mental health conditions through the use of quality improvement methodology. Hosted and led by the West of England AHSN, membership also includes Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN, Oxford AHSN, South West AHSN, Wessex AHSN and 16 mental health trusts across the South of England.
The Collaborative acts as the regional delivery vehicle for the Mental Health Safety Improvement Programme, which is commissioned by NHS England and delivered by each of England’s 15 AHSNs. The collaborative empowers people with lived experience and healthcare staff to work together to identify and develop solutions to local problems. These will then be implemented and tested within local healthcare organisations before being shared nationally with other collaboratives.
The Collaborative are showcasing their updated look and name – along with news about its work and events – on a new Twitter account. Follow them (@the_collab_QI) or search the hashtag #TheCollabQI.
Find out more about how we’re supporting The Collaborative by contacting Senior Project Manager, James McMahon.
Read more about our work related to Mental Health.
Posted on October 10, 2022