The West of England Academy was delighted when Professor Bill Lucas accepted an invitation to facilitate a workshop with our Improvement Coaches in Swindon last month.
Bill introduced his model ‘The Habits of an Improver’ from a recent paper published by the Health Foundation.
During the day Bill explained the relevance of the various elements of his model and delegates had opportunities to review the model and consider how they would develop the use of the ‘habitual attributes’ back in their own workplaces.
Feedback from the Improvement Coaches, all staff from our member organisations, was extremely positive with a strong feeling that attending had been very beneficial to developing their role as a coach.
For a flavour of the workshop, here’s a video of some of the highlights.
Bill Lucas – The Habits of an Improver from West of England AHSN on Vimeo.
Posted on June 6, 2016