We’re now putting the finishing touches to the Diabetes Digital Coach, with user acceptance testing starting soon, ahead of the new service going live in January.
If you’d like to be one of our testers and get a sneaky peak at the Coach before its official launch, we’d love to hear from you. You’ll be asked to provide feedback on its design and functionality, so that we can iron out any niggles before the big unveil in the new year. Interested? Please email chris.padgett@weahsn.net before 23 October to find out more.
Digital Health and Care Congress
Our Deputy Director of Enterprise and project lead, Elizabeth Dymond took part in The King’s Fund’s Digital Health and Care Congress in London during the summer, as part of a panel exploring the unique challenges of the Test Bed programme and how the NHS can collaborate with the technology sector. Watch the video of Elizabeth’s talk here:
Building an IoT ecosystem
The Diabetes Digital Coach is funded by the Department of Health through Innovate UK and forms part of Digital Catapult’s IoTUK programme. Learning from our Test Bed is featured in a new IoTUK report, providing insights from a number of demonstrator projects on the challenges involved in building large IoT ecosystems.
Find out more and read the IoTUK early insights report here.
Join us at Expo: Test Beds – one year on
A year into the NHS England Test Beds programme, all seven initiatives from around the country, including the Diabetes Digital Coach led by the West of England AHSN, will be providing updates at Expo. Come and talk to the teams on the stand during the course of the two days, or book a place at one of the plenary or pop up university sessions:
Test Beds – testing combinatorial innovation in the real-world – what does it mean?
Hear about the Test Beds programme and watch a short video that captures the experiences of patients, carers, and healthcare professionals involved. Hear from clinical leads and trial participants on the day-to-day impact of being involved in a Test Bed, while innovators reflect on how the programme is leading the way in testing innovation in real-world settings through positive collaborations across the NHS and industry.
10-11.30am, Monday 11 September – Theatre 4 Book here.
Digital innovations for the management of long term conditions
Join project lead for the Diabetes Digital Coach, Elizabeth Dymond, and Public Contributor, Sandra Tweddell on the NHS Digital Stand to hear more about our innovative test bed programme, providing access to digital self-management technologies for people with both type one and two diabetes – and the potential this offers for supporting people living with a wide range of other long term conditions.
10.15-11.30am, Monday 11 September – NHS Digital stand
Pop up university: Test Beds – collaborating whilst competing
Come to this interactive session for first-hand advice from SMEs on working in partnership within an implementation consortium. Find out how industry partners are working together through Test Beds to offer patients and citizens improved care and improved experience of care. We will be sharing learning about collaboration and competition and answering your questions! Download the flyer here.
1-1.45pm, Monday 11 September – PUU8 Book here.
Find out more about the Diabetes Digital Coach here.
Posted on September 4, 2017