As an Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), we have a leadership role to play in championing and developing diversity, inclusivity and equality within our NHS innovation pipeline and our own organisation. To continue to celebrate the diversity of the region in which we live and work and ensure inclusive work programmes that have equality as a core value, we have signed the Bristol Equality Charter. Whilst this charter focuses on the city of Bristol, the AHSN covers a regional footprint and will therefore be working to ensure these principles guide our work across the region.
The AHSN Network (which is made up of the 15 AHSNs across England, of which the West of England is one) has also committed to a series of Diversity Pledges, and we are now developing an action plan setting out how we will achieve these goals.
Chief Executive and chair of the West of England AHSN’s Diversity and Inclusivity Steering Group, Natasha Swinscoe said:
“Support for signing the Bristol Equality Charter was unanimous with a sense that this was an early step on an important journey for our organisation. Along with our core values, the pledge that “everybody counts” is at the heart of what we do, from patient safety, our learning disability collaborative through to digital inclusion.
We intend to become an active voice in the Bristol Equality Network and work with Inclusivity and Diversity experts to ensure we are taking every step we can to promote equality and ensure all our communities have an active voice and visibility”.
About Bristol Equality Charter
The Bristol Equality Charter is a city-wide initiative co-designed by private, public and voluntary sector organisations, committed to improving equality of opportunity for everyone in Bristol and to eliminating discrimination in all its forms.
Bristol is a vibrant city with a growing diverse population. As citizens and partners we share an ambition to create a fairer, safer, inclusive city where everyone can feel that they belong, have a voice and an equal chance to succeed and thrive. We acknowledge that we all have a part to play in promoting equality for the city by working towards good practice and making continuous improvements.
Individuals and any type of organisation can sign up to the principles of the Bristol Equality Charter. Signing the charter is a voluntary action to promote and work towards equality in Bristol. Organisations are free to set their own specific priorities and goals for improvement.
Whilst there are already several more specific charters and manifestos in existence, the Bristol Equality Charter is unique to our city and addresses all aspects of equality in one document. The charter invites signatories to work together towards continuous improvement.
The development of the charter has led to the formation of a Bristol Equality Network. This is a group of individuals representing the equalities agenda within their organisations. The network meets regularly to support new organisations that sign up to the charter, and share information and good practice.
Local people and organisations can help to promote the Bristol Equality Charter by sharing what equality and the charter mean to them, using the hashtag #BristolEqualityCharter.
For more information about the Bristol Equality Charter and how to get involved please visit the council’s website or email equality.network@bristol.gov.uk.
An accessible video of the Bristol Equality Charter with BSL translation, subtitles and voice over is available here.
Posted on September 23, 2020