As a health innovation network, our role is to support the support the discovery and development of promising innovation and the deployment of proven innovation in response to local health and care priorities and our shared focus on reducing health inequalities.
Through our evaluation and insights function, we support our system partners in quantifying the impact and added value of innovations.
Our Evaluation and Insights team is embedded within programmes of work across the organisation, facilitating their analytical and evaluation requirements. The team is structured in two divisions, with evaluation services specialising in theory-driven work and analytical services supporting quantitative collection and analysis.
We also benefit from established partnerships with other research organisations, such as NIHR Applied Research Collaborative (ARC) West.
What we offer
Analytics services
- Developing tailored metrics and performance measures
- Working on monitoring strategies
- Re-designing pathways
- Supporting quality improvement projects
- Creating precision dashboards
- Undertaking statistical analysis
- Producing engaging data visualisation
Evaluation services
- Focused literature reviews and evidence syntheses
- Service evaluation
- Theory-driven evaluation design
- Leading real-world evaluation
- Tailored qualitative data collection and analysis
- Rapid evaluation
Team-wide services
- Designing the right evaluation and measurement framework
- Supporting logic model development
- Writing funding bids
- Embedding co-design principles throughout
- Bespoke training workshops
Insights library
We regularly publish evaluation reports for our programmes and real world evaluations, helping to share insights, learning, and best practice and encouraging wider adoption and spread where appropriate.
Commissioning us
Our experienced team is available to work on commissioned projects. Priority is given to local partners within the West of England. Please get in touch with us to see if we can work with you.
Contact us
For more information or evaluation queries, please contact