Please see below valuable links, informative resources and training opportunities.

Improving Awareness of Dementia in People with a Learning Disability

Improving Awareness of Dementia in People with a Learning Disability v1 2025_01

Resources for Researchers: Improving Inclusion of People with a Learning Disability

SWLDC_Improving Inclusion Resources v1. 2024-11

Free training for carers – RESTORE2

Access free training on how to spot the signs of deterioration in those you care for, and how to escalate concerns to healthcare professionals such as GPs and paramedics using a model called RESTORE2. Training includes options for paid and unpaid carers. Find out what’s available.

Oral healthcare toolkit

A PDF toolkit has been produced by Katy Kerr on behalf of Health Education England, in collaboration with Health Innovation West of England and NHSE SW, to provide information on oral health to support the care of people with a learning disability.

Access the PDF oral health guidance.

Access Makaton prompt cards related to dentist appointments.

Acute care toolkit

The Royal College of Physicians have created an acute care toolkit (April 2022). They recommend all staff working in acute medical units read the toolkit, as they will care for people with a learning disability during the course of their day-to-day activities. An Easy Read version of the toolkit is also available to download. Access the toolkit.

Case study: supporting personalised care for people with a learning disability in care homes

The Baywater Telehealth Application has been used on a trial basis across care homes in Gloucestershire to assist staff in spotting the signs of deterioration in residents with a learning disability. Read our Baywater case study.

Template letters

Check out these excellent resources from our colleagues at the Sirona Community Learning Disability Team:

Flu vaccines and reasonable adjustments: videos and resources

On behalf of the NHS, Misfits Theatre Company created a video which tackles the misinformation surrounding the flu vaccination and urges people with a learning disability and their carers (paid or unpaid) to get their flu vaccine.

The company also produced a video on how reasonable adjustments can help people with a learning disability and/or autism live longer and healthier lives. Reasonable adjustments are a legal requirement to make sure health services are accessible to all disabled people. Read more about the nasal vaccine as a reasonable adjustment.

Access a Plain-English guide to the flu vaccination.