It is estimated that approximately 2% of the adult population has a learning disability. On average, males with a learning disability die 12 years younger than males from the general population, and females 26 years younger than females from the general population (2022 LeDeR report). Many of these deaths continue to be from avoidable causes, such as pneumonia and sepsis.

The West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative (LDC) was established in early 2019, and initially focused on using the National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) and soft-signs tools such as RESTORE2; increasing uptake of annual health checks and flu vaccination, including promoting the nasal vaccine as a reasonable adjustment. After notable successes the West of England LDC ceased in March 2022, with a new and expanded South West Learning Disabilities Collaborative (SWLDC) created to cover the entire South West region.

The expanded collaborative, which is led by Health Innovation West of England but funded and delivered in partnership with NHS England South West (NHSE SW), shares learning and best practice across the South West.

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* indicates required
e.g. Sirona Care & Health or please use ‘Family’ or ‘Carer’
e.g. National, Southwest, Wales, etc.
e.g. Pharmacist, GP, Carer, Family, Experts by Experience
Relating to people with a learning disability