For the Domiciliary Care Programme, Procomp will provide their Strategic Optimisation Service where a snapshot of operational data is taken and Procomp’s advanced Artificial-Intelligence-based planning tool (R2 Optimiser) is used to perform detailed modelling of alternative scenarios.
These scenarios are used to investigate the impact of a wide range of changes. These changes could include:
- Care assessment and care planning practices.
- Commissioning and brokerage practices.
- Market shaping and approaches to provider market utilisation.
- Roles and shares of responsibility in integrated teams.
- Work patterns.
- Outsourcing and insourcing of services.
- Work patches and team sizes.
- Taking certain equipment into use.
The following scenarios are in scope of this project:
Scenario 1: Flexibility – Care Planning and Assessment Practices
Elements to be included:
- Analysing planned/actuals to understand the current situation.
- Effect of care planning, assessment, and brokerage practices on visit time flexibility.
- Moving non- time-critical tasks to off-peaks (can include splitting visits).
- Flexibility of visit start times.
- Flexibility of visit length.
- Reducing the number of exclusions and other constraints.
- Identify improved care planning, assessment and brokerage practices.
- Pilot the changes.
- Better shape demand to fit supply: level out peaks and troughs.
- Have a positive impact on KPIs: mileage, continuity of carer, number of care workers needed (utilisation).
- Have a positive impact on workforce satisfaction, retention, sickness.
Scenario 2: Density – Commissioning and provider market utilisation practices
Elements to be included:
- Model the impact of using a more consolidated provider market approach.
- Using existing providers in coordinated way.
- Identify improved provider market utilisation strategy.
- If possible, pilot the approach in a selected area during the project.
- Have a positive impact on KPIs: mileage, number of care workers needed (utilisation). Depending on approach, economies of scale also possible.
- Develop an early insight of the potential benefits of a consolidated approach.
Scenario 3: Integration – Integration of services
Elements to be included:
- Model the impact on mileage and care worker utilisation when using a more integrated approach between services.
- Focus on integration of reablement and home care.
- Could also include local community health provider.
- Identify integration opportunities which would yield economies of scope.
- If possible, pilot the approach in a selected area.
- Have a positive impact on KPIs: mileage, number of care workers needed (utilisation).
- Improve care worker satisfaction, provide training and career path opportunities.