This page contains general PERIPrem implementation resources.
Bundle specific information can be found on the PERIPrem home page.
The implementation resources aim to increase confidence and skills in applying quality improvement techniques as units initially adopt PERIPrem and continue your journey.
The implementation resources on this page are legacy resources from the 2020 implementation of PERIPrem in the South West and West of England regions. Some resources have been updated in 2023, and where new resources are available this is indicated in the link.
Following the publication of Saving Babies’ Lives version three in 2023, we have aligned our bundle element definitions to this guidance and those reported on via National Neonatal Audit Programme. Please ensure you are using these updated definitions.
1. Getting started
- Updated evidence poster PERIPrem A3 11 element poster (December 2023) please also see the BAPM summary of key evidence (October 2020).
The following legacy resources are available to give background and context about PERIPrem and Perinatal QI, and includes guidance on establishing a PERIPrem team (Preterm Birth Lead Team)
- Implementing PERIPrem
- 7 Steps to improvement poster
- Process Mapping document
- PERIPrem in Numbers infographic
- PERIPrem briefing paper
More resources to support Quality Improvement are available from our West of England Academy and our Black Maternity Matters QI Workshop Series.
2. Preparing and planning
Use these tools to set up PERIPrem within your team and units. They will aid baselining, building your team and identifying what bundle elements you are performing well in and those that need additional focus.
- PERIPrem Unit Snapshot Tool
- PERIPrem Learning Log
- PERIPrem team action plan
- PERIPrem readiness for change/ identifying barriers and facilitation tool
- PERIPrem Capsule summary
- PERIPrem QI Capsule summary
The following tools are designed to support the implementation of PERIPrem within your unit and beyond:
- PERIPrem Bundle Gestation and Ventilation Guide
- PERIPrem Communications Plan
- PERIPRem Engagement Plan Template
- Team Dynamics Video
3. Implementation and measurements
The passports below are for the West of England and South West implementation of all 11 elements. If you are implementing outside of the South West region, modified generic passports are available on the BAPM website for both 7 and 9 element implementation.
PERIPrem clinical passport for West of England/ South West implementation
The clinical passport should be used by each perinatal team for every preterm baby. It is designed to serve as both a prompt as well as data capture tool.
PERIPrem baby passport for West of England/ South West implementation
The baby passport should be given to the parent of every preterm baby. It is designed to help inform and fully involve parents in the care of their baby by outlining the PERIPrem bundle elements their baby should receive.
Here is a trans-friendly baby passport to support inclusive care for trans or non-binary parents or anyone else who would prefer to use the terms chest and chestfeeding:
Here are versions of the baby passport translated into various community languages. Please note these have not been updated since they were produced in May 2021:
- PERIPrem A4 Baby Passport – Arabic (May 2021)
- PERIPrem A4 Baby Passport – Bengali (May 2021)
- PERIPrem A4 Baby Passport – Lithuanian (May 2021)
- PERIPrem A4 Baby Passport – Polish (May 2021)
- PERIPrem A4 Baby Passport – Portuguese (May 2021)
- PERIPrem A4 Baby Passport – Romanian (May 2021)
- PERIPrem A4 Baby Passport – Somali (May 2021)
- PERIPrem A4 Baby Passport – Turkish (May 2021)
PERIPrem maternal early breast milk patient leaflet
This leaflet is to be given to the parent of every preterm baby. It is designed to help inform and fully involve parents in the care of their preterm baby by outlining in detail the benefits of maternal early breast milk as part of the PERIPrem Bundle.
The breast milk leaflet is also available in multiple languages. Please note these have not been updated since they were produced in July 2021:
- PERIPrem Breast Milk Leaflet Arabic (July 2021)
- PERIPrem Breast Milk Leaflet Bengali (July 2021)
- PERIPrem Breast Milk Leaflet Lithuanian (July 2021)
- PERIPrem Breast Milk Leaflet Polish (July 2021)
- PERIPrem Breast Milk Leaflet Portuguese (July 2021)
- PERIPrem Breast Milk Leaflet Romanian (July 2021)
- PERIPrem Breast Milk Leaflet Somali (July 2021)
- PERIPrem Breast Milk Leaflet Turkish (July 2021)
PERIPrem optimisation tool for West of England/ South West implementation
Recognising that clinical teams will need access to unit-level data immediately, the optimisation tool enables teams to collate and share anonymised data from PERIPRem passports. This will show how units are performing in real-time. The optimisation tool should be returned to your central point of data collection at the end of each month.
The optimisation tool also generates a printable infographic for each bundle element so teams assess progress on each bundle element as well as overall optimisation targets.
PERIPrem debrief tool
Reviewing progress and identifying further opportunities for improvement is central to designing a version of the PERIPrem Bundle that is right for the culture and processes of your unit. The debrief tool will support reviewing of patient cases to inform further improvements:
4. Embedding and sustaining improvements
Can I reuse and adapt these resources?
PERIPrem was co-produced by Health Innovation West of England and Health Innovation South West, and the South West Neonatal Operational Delivery Network. If you are using any of the resources, please credit these organisations.
Please note that no text changes can be made to the baby passport or breastfeeding leaflet as these are translated into various community languages. To avoid version control issues, Health Innovation West of England retains the original versions of these documents. If you wish to alter the text on the baby passport, you would need to remove the logos and add “This resource has been adapted from PERIPrem. PERIPrem cannot verify the translated version.” and include the standard attribution text below.
PERIPrem was co-produced by Health Innovation West of England and Health Innovation South West, and the South West Neonatal Operational Delivery Network. Find out more at
Our recommendation would be using a parallel text translation, where the translated text and English original are shown side by side, or some other way of making a clear link back to the original English version so there is no confusion as to which version of the passport is in use. This would also need to be clear on any location where the resources are shared for downloading.
Other useful materials
Explore our other useful materials including playlists of key videos.

(Excluding dashboard and data resources on page above)
Please tell us a bit about yourself to download our PERIPrem resources