Learn more about the work of the West of England AHSN by watching our latest videos.
The journey of a ReSPECT Form
This short animation uses Joe’s story to illustrate the journey of a ReSPECT form through different care settings, including GP appointments, hospital admissions, and care home residency, and how ReSPECT can be used to support patients to be involved in decisions about their care and treatment.
SHarED: Introduction video
The SHarED (Supporting High impact users in Emergency Departments) project aims to improve outcomes for the most frequent users of Emergency Departments. This short video is an introduction to the project.
PreciSSIon: Introduction video
PreciSSIon (Preventing Surgical Site Infection across a region) is a collaborative project to reduce the incidence of surgical site infection after elective colorectal surgery. The project started in November 2019 and involves all the hospitals in the West of England region. This video explains all about the PreciSSIon bundle.
PERIPrem animation
PERIPrem (Perinatal Excellence to Reduce Injury in Premature Birth) is a perinatal care bundle to improve the outcomes for premature babies across the West and South West regions. The bundle consists of a number of interventions that will demonstrate a significant impact on brain injury and mortality rates amongst babies born prematurely. This animation explains more about the project.
PReCePT – ingredients for success
PReCePT was selected as one of the AHSN Network’s national adoption and spread programmes from 2018-2020, funded by NHS England. In this short film, members of the PReCePT team from around the country share their experiences and learning.
Why I love the Academy
The West of England Academy provides a range of free resources to help users gain knowledge and develop essential skills for innovative thinking and working. The Academy is for all health and care professionals, front line, support services and commissioners, plus innovators living, working or planning to work in the West of England. We promote the use of quality improvement methodologies to support delivery of better patient care. In this video people who have used Academy resources or attended our events share their experiences, and we introduce the range of support we offer.
The Future of Care
The Future of Care events explore the new frontiers of science and innovation set to transform health and care in the future. At these events, we have brought together experts from across the world to discuss implications for the NHS and our local healthcare systems. The events examine the latest breakthroughs in technology and ground-breaking medical research. The first Future of Care event on ‘genomic science: now and future’ was organised with the South West AHSN. In the resulting report and video we capture the cutting-edge thinking and discussions from the event and how genomics will influence the future of care.
National Early Warning Score (NEWS)
This video tells the story of a patient in North Somerset, who made a quick and full recovery from sepsis as a result of his National Early Warning Score (NEWS) being communicated at every handover of care.