Shane Devlin
Chief Executive, BNSSG Integrated Care Board
Before starting in his post at the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Integrated Care Board (ICB) in February 2022, Shane Devlin was Chief Executive of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust from March 2018.
Shane began his career with the Northern Ireland Quality Centre before joining the local Health Service in 1998, working in Down and Lisburn Trust, the Department of Health and South Eastern Trust, before moving to the Business Services Organisation as Director of Customer Care and Performance and Director of Business Services Transformation. Shane moved from BSO in 2013 to Belfast Trust as Director of Planning, Performance and Informatics where he remained until December 2016, when he was appointed Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service.
Shane has a strong delivery and accountability background as a senior and chief executive of an Integrated Trust. He has delivered transformation at a Northern Ireland wide level, always through partnership.